‘This is Beirut’ — هي بيروت — is a four-channel video installation presented from November 22nd to 25th, 2023, at OCAD’s Graduate Gallery, located at 205 Richmond St. W., Toronto, as part of the requirements for the Master of Fine Arts in Interdisciplinary Master's in Art, Media, and Design (IAMD) program. The installation is the first act in my thesis project, The Beirut Project, an open-ended initiative that advocates for an imagined 'Other' Beirut, which opposes and transposes the original.

‘This is Beirut’ is a space of inquiry, challenging and questioning the way the city is conceived in our imaginary. It’s an artistic exploration aimed at disrupting the prevailing narrative of Beirut. Through the presentation of a series of discontinuous, fragmented, and speculative architectures, it invites viewers to experience the city from varied and unexpected angles.

Thesis Advisors: Phillippe Blanchard, Keith Bresnahan.