Youssef El Helou is an architect and an interdisciplinary artist based in Tkaronto, Canada. He holds a Master of Fine Arts (MFA) from the Ontario College of Art and Design University, a Master of Architecture (MArch) from the University of Toronto, and a Diplôme d’études supérieures (DES) in Architecture from the Académie Libanaise des Beaux-Arts in Beirut. With over 12 years of professional experience in architectural firms in Beirut and New York, Youssef has worked on a wide range of projects, from single-family houses to educational, commercial, and mixed-use buildings.

Youssef’s artistic practice includes model making, expanded animation, and video installations. Notable works include "This is Beirut," a 4-channel video installation presented at OCAD’s Grad Gallery, and "Manifesto for the Miscellaneous," his thesis project at the University of Toronto. In recent years, his work has focused on exploring the relationship between the physical spaces of daily life and the imaginary spaces where dreams, future projections, and identity concepts are shaped. His artistic practice spans a diverse range of media and techniques, including expanded animation, model making, video, projection, installation, and sound, with architectural representation as a matrix.

Youssef's portfolio can be viewed at Youssef El Helou’s portfolio.